How I made my first internet money

How I made my first internet money

I earned my first internet money. And I did it fully dressed in a regular office.

Recently, someone posted my API website on Hacker News. The post stayed in third place for about 36 hours. As a result, over 30,000 visitors flooded to the site in a short period of time.

Me? Excited. Of course, my server can handle this. After all, my website is hosted on a trendy cloud hosting service that automatically scales with the traffic. And the costs? They scale too. Panic.

In a hurry, I set up an ad slot. $250 for 30 days. It was gone in 5 minutes. Then I added a second one: $1,000 for 30 days. That one was gone in half an hour too.

The server costs are covered. And my website is being spread across the internet. The biggest industry newsletters, indie bloggers, and Italian IT companies are all writing about it.

The traffic only slightly decreases in the following days. And I start thinking about an ad concept for the future. I go ahead and set up a third ad slot.

That one’s still available.